Wednesday 10 June 2015


Ladies of the world, then men - Africa has the third female president yoh! Isn’t that just cool? Well, 56 year old Ameenah Gurib-Fakim made it. And more interestingly, she is a biologist.

How’s that?  A female biologist for the third female African president as from Thursday June 4, 2015.  It’s not that that is a bit strange, but it’s very interesting. Well, some people also point out the fact that she is Muslim. Which makes sense anyway, because Muslim societies are predominantly very patriarchal societies? But really, there’s a very inspiring story here-that of breaking the glass ceiling. First, of becoming a renowned biologist in her country and globally, then, and this will shock you. She didn’t even raise a finger to become the president-no, to make history. 
She just had to say yes to a proposal made by other people- that she lets a group of Mauritius parliamentarians vote her in. She did not even campaign, just had to let other people do the work after they identified her exceptional track record. (Start early people. No, you actually should have started!)Now that you know her name and her latest achievement-that of making history in this interesting continent of ours, go ahead and find out more about her.
Her excellency Ameenah Gurib-Fakim being sworn in.
 What this shows really is that you don’t have to be a politician to lead a country. Just be an achiever and be open to doing things you had not thought of before. It will be interesting to see how a scientist, known for dealing with the facts as they are will fit into a role that is requires her to be very diplomatic.
But in my own words though. Africa, and the world really, has many women who should be given a shot at leading their countries- Mauritius just recognized theirs. Kenya?

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