Tuesday 23 September 2014


So the first years are several weeks old in school, and the continuing students are back. I am sure that several of the latter have found themselves in a situation where they have to be ‘pirates’ (mostly being a pain to other people by staying in a room where you have not been allocated), don’t worry so have I and while I was at it I was forced to listen in on an interesting conversation, talk about lemon being used to make lemonade.

I stayed in a room that had 3 first years and only I was not of the feather. Since I was pirating, I made an effort to show an interest in all the conversations, but soon they caught the attention of my nosy brain and itchy keyboard. The stories of the new birds started by series of confessions on how great a party organized by David Mwangi in the previous night was off the hook, made lively by Colonel Mustapha and crowned with free alcohol from male continuing students.

Soon it was on how each of the ladies swore to each other to do as they wanted coz anyway they were in campus finally- the land of the ‘free’. The discussion went on and on jumping from one juicy topic each peculiarly centred on men, beauty and alcohol. The young ladies clearly enjoyed their talk so as much as at multiple times I wanted to step in and pour some old wisdom I restrained as I didn't want to take away their excitement but most importantly I was a ‘pirate’ and I did not want to shoot the souls that housed me.

I came to Maseno in 2011 & i absolutely loved my moments as a first year: are there any similarities between 2011 and 2014 or are they different sides of different coins?

The contrast…
Their phones are nothing like what I reported to school with. Upon my admission to Maseno I had an LG KP105 phone. These first years are so tech savvy than any fourth year, 3 years ago.

They are more ready to stick their legs in mud than I was. Three years ago when I came to Maseno, I got involved in a lot of things but alcohol was not one of them. In an intoxicated state, things happen and at that moment there is no turning back: from illicit sex to fights. An unnamed source told me of a fight that occurred on the 12th night that left a student seriously injured, and guess what a couple of first years were part of that.  

They are all on Facebook and a host of other social networks. I wouldn't brag to have been a social media guru 3 years ago, but these guys are: well at least a good majority of them. My friends can testify that even today am not much of a social media enthusiast.

And the similarities…
Alcohol is the one cord that is strikingly similar. Love for alcohol cuts across the board for the freshers’ and all the continuing students. If your target is to throw a big party that no one attends delete alcohol from the menu. So long comrades

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