Tuesday 9 September 2014

Campus Life After Life

The breath of freedom excited her a little bit
She wondered if she'd learn to live there and fit
In a world so new that it felt like a deep pit,
To be wise, still and calm she took the back seat,
Campus life, she had heard of it, now she gotta live it

The room was dusty but looked bearable,
A little sigh at that point was suitable,
As she cleaned and unpacked what she held valuable,
She tried to make her new home quite comfortable,
Campus life, she wondered if she'd be able.

It didn't take her long to notice and mark a trend,
She still treded alone, finding her way,not a single friend,
She knew at the back of her mind it will all count at the end,
She pledged that one day for her children she'll fend,
Campus life , did it have a hand to lend?

The skimpy dressing and open air relationship,
At first was too much but she hoped on to the ship,
Over time she learned the art of friendship,
Opened up to new possibilities, tried out the spaceship,
Campus life,  may be it could offer mentorship.

Too bad she reported during a political time,
Not taking a side was actualy a federal crime,
Tension was high she had to learn how to mime,
The school president was to be chosen among lime,
Campus life, on it she could not place a rhyme.

She hated the campaigners who'd go door to door,
Not just because they'd dirty her clean floor,
Some along with the campaigns wanted somethong more,
She'd heard of the gold rush , but thought it sore,
Campus life, she hoped it was worth living for.

Hot built and sexy they gently knocked unlike usualy,
They walked in and they were appealing visually,
She disguised her blush with a serious face held firmly,
They were rugby players, her favourite sport coincidentally,
Campus life, wasn't turning out so badly.

One of them she started to meet a bit often,
There bond grew stronger as time baked it in the oven,
Date one two and three and by date seven,
They were a a pair, one plus one made eleven
Campus life, was now on earth, a little heaven.

It's her last year in campus and she can't wait,
Her freshman year definitely carries the weight,
She's happy her ex did not determine her fate,
She had her peak but snapped out before it was too late,
Campus life, did give her, her first date.

Word from OOGAM
Campus offers you a chance to live without rules, a chance to experince life in a maximum type of freedom, that wouldn't be found anywhere else. No one cares for what you do or say. Live without limitations but do not forget, there is still a life after Campus Life.
 By Olave Orawo

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