Thursday 30 October 2014

I love analyzing relationships. This is because all human beings’ activities have their foundations as relationships. I will give you something special because we have a certain relationship. I will come visit you, phone you or email you because we have a relationship. Get the drift? My crux of the matter is girl-boy relationships or man-woman, lovers’ relationships or whatever name might please you (I bet you already know what I am ranting about.) No rolling of eyes people!

Since I do not like niceties, I will jump straight to the point. There are what I call pointers to avoiding heartbreak, or being taken for a ride. These things are actually obvious, it’s just that we choose to not see or simply assume and block our minds towards the bitter truth. It cuts both ways people, for the damsels and the guys.

First and foremost if he/she loves you, you will not wait a whole day without getting a reply to that email, or missed call or text or even better nowadays a whats app message. Do not delude yourself that oh she/he is busy, or he/she doesn’t have airtime. Folks if he/she is busy, a short text will be just enough to explain. But silence for a whole day maaaaan? That’s simply a sign that things are not well between you two, there’s probably three to five of you in that mix. Also, if he/she takes hours to reply when you know they are not even busy, then you’ve got problems.

My good people, if someone is interested in you, the person makes some time for you. Time people, is a rare commodity. A priceless gift that someone can freely give. If you ask him/her to meet you but all you get are excuses…..sigh….the person simply doesn’t deem you that important. Deal with it and get someone who does.

Lastly folks, it’s   never that serious, there’s always another chance to love, another man or woman, girl or boy. Accept these pointers and save yourself the pain, drama and embarrassment and be proud. You loved! It is better to have loved and failed than to never love. If he/she feels they are too special for you, remember the world has approximately 7,247,713,237,453 people!!!

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