Saturday 21 June 2014

It Does Not Fit by Orawo Olave

Her heart belonged in the jungle, for her spirit was cold and her conscience wild. It took her quite some time to finally realize she would only see the last day of her life if she broke through the glass of normalcy.

Her curves were a sight worth lust but she belonged to no specific man. At night she’d give herself away to a stranger, a friend or a random combo of the two. Money was never part of the trade, well if it was, then just a bonus it was.

In a single moment of intimacy, be a kiss, a caress or an all the way, she caught glimpse of acceptance, one she lacked before that moment and would go missing just after.

 The society, she was told was be her family, had rules to abide to, but she found them too stringent. She strolled the streets alone with a dark cloud hanging over her head. She had a favorite path she took every late night, through the forest, the park and yet another forest.

An iceberg for a heart, she unchained herself from the world that barred her from her dreams of being free. She found peace in spending quiet nights at the grave yard. She mingled with the departed because they judged her less if at all they did. The living had branded her a whore, a witch, the she devil, everything but nice, calm and beautiful.

Each day she lived inhumanly, she had a human dream. That one day she will find a place she’d belong. Deep down a tiny flame still lit because she was born human but Dr. Life’s experiment on her in the little lab called earth turned her to a mini devil.

A woman with a body without a heart, the society called her a man’s object. To kids from their parents, she was the perfect example of what not to be. An outcast in a family of her own flesh and blood. Her sun rose from the west designed to burn her silk skin.

Despite her days being darker than her nights, a beaming smile disguised it all. She had learned to live like a criminal since the world was one big law court. A cold heart does not mean she doesn’t have that one man she’d want to notice her.

Message from OOGAM
Life is short, no time for dry runs, give it you all already. The world will judge you but you will not be sentenced.

This blogpost was prepared by Orawo Olave. She is one of the founding members of BAMU and is an avid blogger, a vocalist, a media student and above all a lover of life.

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